Friday, July 31, 2009

Peaches and Peanut Butter

So the house was pierced this evening with a yell from Tori announcing," oh, my gosh, mom, Kian is in so much trouble, you are not going to be happy!" And so, on my way to the scene of the crime, I grabbed my camera. This is what I discovered.
I'm not sure this is remorse. I think it is frustration for having to sit for the pictures.

The peanut butter was artfully smeared in the curio's and also into the carpet. The 8 or 9 peaches were half eaten and smashed into the carpet as well.

" Ummmm, I think I'm supposed to say this will never happen again?" Let's hope so. Peaches and peanut butter... interesting and sticky combination.

1 comment:

  1. So what did you do? I'm pretty sure my mom would have killed us (but since Kian's the youngest, you may be used to these kinds of things). Trying to keep this house ready to sell must be a nightmare! But hey, you've got some great stories, right?
